Six Unique Spice Racks (and One Wall Chart) on Etsy | Chow Bella | Phoenix | Phoenix New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Phoenix, Arizona

2022-04-22 22:01:46 By : Ms. LUCKY CHAN

Phoenix's independent source of local news and culture

Spices aren't just a way to add flavor to your food; these spice-related accessories are a feast for the eyes as well. It's not always easy to add a dash of personality to a kitchen, so we've found something for everyone's style, from vintage and repurposed finds to the colorful and kitsch.

1. Carved Beaker Spice Rack -- Nerd? Check. Foodie? Check. If the same is true for you, this crafty spice rack will fit perfectly in your kitchen. The seller, Kathy, makes them in a variety of colors, including blue, yellow, and orange. The Pyrex beakers are secured in an easy-to-use fashion (unlike the racks with tall, thin test tubes, which appear to be less practical). These racks only hold four spices, but will keep large quantities. Fill 'em up with your favorite spice blends, or stock them with colorful spices like turmeric, paprika, mixed peppercorns, and sumac.

2. Play-Doh Canister Spice Jar Set -- If you like to play with your food, these Play-Doh canisters will ensure that there's always fun in your kitchen. These repurposed air-tight plastic containers are a great place to store spices fresh from the market. The set comes with a variety of colored lids and big labels with spice names spelled out in Play-Doh lettering. Labels are for ginger, chili, dill, nutmeg, basil, thyme, oregano, cumin, cayenne, rosemary, curry, and cinnamon; label substitutions can be requested. For similar plastic containers with a vintage '70s appeal, check out these classic Tupperware spice shakers.

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