How to Make Hand Sanitizer Spray & Gel.Easy & Cheap!

2022-05-27 22:55:26 By : Ms. Annie Lieu

As we know, hand sanitizer is now a rare and expensive item.This is due to the emergence of the corona virus which is increasingly widespread in several countries, including Indonesia.With this, finally, many residents are moved to find out how to make their own hand sanitizer at home.Besides being cheaper, how to make your own hand sanitizer is also very easy to do.This method has also been widely applied to those who run out of hand sanitizer in stores.Hand sanitizer is also a must-have item, to protect oneself from the spread of the corona virus through touching hands and inanimate objects, in various public facilities, even at home.Before knowing how to make your own hand sanitizer at home, you also need to know that there are several types of hand sanitizer.All of these things are distinguished from the materials used.Generally, hand sanitizers have an alcohol content of at least 60%, which is said to be quite effective at killing germs.In fact, some hand sanitizers do not use alcohol or are alcohol-free, because they use benzalkonium chloride as the active ingredient.However, hand sanitizer in the form of hand sanitizer, maybe not all of them can work well for many types of germs, especially the corona virus which is considered new.However, even though it doesn't kill immediately, hand sanitizer can help reduce the growth of germs and viruses.Well, as stated above, it turns out that there are many types of hand sanitizers that are differentiated based on the ingredients used.Here, we will summarize how to make spray and gel hand sanitizer, based on WHO and BPOM references.Let's see!Just additional information, that hand sanitizers that use alcohol below this number have two possibilities, namely:Hands are the highest and most frequent medium of transmission of germs and viruses.Because, the hand is the part that is often used to grip and touch something.Therefore hand hygiene is very important and must be maintained.The most effective way to kill germs on your hands is to wash your hands with soap and running water.It doesn't matter, washing hands must also be done properly, namely using anti-bacterial soap and running water for 20 seconds.Then dry with a tissue and throw it away.There are special situations where you can use hand sanitizer, in addition to washing your hands.However, it should be noted, although practically hand sanitizer is not effective at killing germs, it only helps reduce the growth of germs.So, hand sanitizer can only be used as a last resort and in an urgent situation, until the situation is difficult to get running water.For example, when you are on a trip, you are busy, when a natural disaster occurs, you can use hand sanitizer.Worried about the widespread spread of the corona virus?In addition to washing your hands with soap, living a healthy life, and providing hand sanitizer, you also need to protect yourself and your family by having health insurance.When the government calls for social distancing and several companies call on their employees to work from home, of course you also need funds for emergencies or just to meet your needs, right?For this reason, Smart Credit is here to provide quick and easy loan funds without a credit card.Don't worry, because Smart Credit has been registered and supervised by the OJK.So what are you waiting for, immediately apply for a loan at Smart Credit.